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大家在看不许没收我的人籍 我欲封天 全职法师之位面传奇 我有一个大航海游戏 山林王国 九天吞噬诀 仙武独尊 凌天战魂 九天斩神诀 大恶魔福尔摩斯 
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Lock said to Mandy as sincerely as possible,“I believe what you have already owned weighs much more than what you thought had lost.”

Mandy lamented,“How do you know this is the best for me? I could have led another life.....”l

“I don't think it's the right attitude for life. It seems you will always be regretting over your each and every choice or decision.” There was an edge to his voice, but he stayed cool,“Stop paring with others' lives and stop moaning for more. The fisherman and his wife should have been contented with what they have received from the gold fish and they'd better not beg for more than they deserved.”

Mandy remarked with a dangerous tone,“Are you telling me I don't deserve the best of life?”

Lock sensed something,“Don't twist it. You know what I meant. You would never be able to figure out what the best is when you were sixteen.”

Mandy murmured as if she had been in a dream,“How I wish to be sixteen again, care free.”

Lock came nearer to her, and hugged her, leaving his wheelchair behind,“The point is, whatever happens to you, from now on to sixty or ninety, you will always have us.”

Mandy burst into tears,“I have nothing except you and the kids. I feel cold. This world looks at me with vicious eyes.”

“You can always count on us,” Lock promised,“I give you my word. There's no parting of us until one dies. Stay positive and cherish every minute.”

Mandy leaned against Lock's shoulder, totally forgetting he should not have stood up and supported her weight.“I won't fall for it. They look as if worried for me but I guess they really enjoyed themselves seeing me almost crashed.”

she looked at Lock and was suddenly startled,“I was almost taken in....... I shouldn't have told them how I broke down......I would never let them receive the wrong message as if my life were a joke.”



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站内强推十日终焉 重生之将门毒后 官运:从遇到美女书记开始 官场:分手后,我转身考上省组部 重生60年代,开局就上山下乡 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 长夜谍影 官场争雄,从女书记的秘书开始 四合院:最强主角 六零:冷面军官被科研大佬拿捏了 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 和我妈敌蜜儿子的地下情 六零:爸妈死后给我留下巨额遗产 乡村滥 修真高手的田园生活 开局一只猴:升级全靠简化 开局差点被饿死只好逆境求生 重生1989:缔造华夏科技帝国 我在四合院要做修仙大佬! 穿越模拟从JOJO奇妙冒险开始 
经典收藏仙逆 凡人修仙传 剑帝 全民领主:我的领地里面都是女妖精 雪鹰领主 战争领主:从厄运之地开始崛起 大荒魔帝 海兰萨领主 道诡剑仙 蒸汽朋克世界里的医生 九鼎记 被逐出宗门后,师尊师姐后悔终生 风暴巫师 我的美综:从女妖镇开始 混沌剑帝 魔兽之巫妖王崛起 生化危机里的黑光病毒制造者 吞噬苍穹 不死帝尊 红龙只想为所欲为 
最近更新领主世界,只有我知华夏断代历史 大荒主 浮屠塔 至尊鼎 名唤陆离的光怪世界 霍格沃茨的光辉世代 巫师:觉醒猎魔者归来 诛仙剑帝 帝凌天下 重铸魔域 神狱塔 忠诚前传 开局混沌神体,打造最强不朽帝族! 断亲后我成了万兽之主,姐姐们后悔终生 我才一岁,系统让我逆袭什么鬼? 葬仙棺 香火证道,开局被偷吃贡品! 女帝撑腰,我仗剑无敌 炼仙塔 骑砍大领主,我可以抽取兵种 
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