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大家在看开局成圣却做了上门女婿 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 武神至尊 丹田被毁,觉醒镇天珠! 开局废了,我开启最强进化 长生:从乞丐开始 武道通神:从加点天赋开始无敌 高武:神话最强传说 开局成为禁区之主,大帝只配看门 反派:禁区神子!我狩猎天命大道 
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第50章 次元之舞

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"Problem?" Mr. Huang Mu smiled slightly and said, "My body has too many problems, so I'm not afraid of itching. Believe me, my body has too many problems. But I’m not afraid of one more thing.”

Besides, your animals are very interesting. Obviously you were the one who provoked me in the first place, but now you have told me not to bother you. Haha, I wonder if the goddess you're calling me hates us idiots. ”

Hearing Fang Mu's insults that he was a beast and a fool, the people around the moner couldn't resist and wanted to roll up their sleeves and attack him, but Fang Mu pinched the wound on his neck. The child was surprised by the force. The goats immediately let out a cry of agony, and the men's expressions hardened and they immediately stopped preparing for action.

"Let me guess. The 'goddess' you call her probably likes to eat all living things. She has no taboos about anything, including her followers like you." Huh?'' Homaki guessed, paying attention to the difference in level under his feet. "If not, can we bring victims like me and this sheep down by ourselves without having to send you all the way down?"

The six people turned black and stopped talking.

Seeing their expressions, Fang Mu knew that his guess was correct, and sneered, "He really doesn't want to believe that."

"What are you talking about!?" the fat man said, shocked and angry. His eyes showed panic and enthusiasm. "You don't understand what a goddess is. She brings wealth and eternal life! How can you understand this kind of garbage!?" he said angrily.

``Why do we need to understand what animals are thinking?'' Juan Mu said sarcastically with a gentle expression, but in his heart she was the daughter of evolution and called Mother Earth. I was thinking about what a goddess is.

My colleague Fan Mu also secretly pares Evolution Girl to Frog God. Which of these two animals is stronger and which is weaker? If he angers both at the same time, can he fight with fire?



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站内强推重生:全系专利,斩断欧美科技树 前夫太冰冷,她藏起孕肚去父留子 神话入侵:我在地球斩神明 快穿之美人怜 一路青云 龙族:不归来,但重启到困难副本 道诡异仙 七零:炮灰知青只想吃瓜看戏 快穿:我在清朝当宠妃 从赘婿开始建立长生家族 快穿:心机女配又美又撩 卷王魔女从不认输 重生东京泡沫人生 重生七零:知青在北大荒 规则怪谈:我比诡异还变态! 四合院之系统逼我当反派 开局满级爆射,梅西求我入阿根廷 让你办厂,你办成太空要塞? 震惊,假少爷被真少爷搞到手了! 半岛:你管这叫财阀? 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 万相之王 天材地宝杂质太多?让我提纯一下 疯狂走镖系统,走镖就能变强! 从解析太阳开始 诡异药剂师:我的病人皆为恐怖 我,天谴开局,气运之子被我气哭 异世争霸:开局召唤行者武松 开局无敌仙帝,打造万界第一宗 开局:签到神体,被女帝拿下 开局鸿蒙不灭体,碾压亿万天骄 万倍返还,我在玄幻世界一路狂飙 反派的我,真没想让女主怀孕! 哥布林从剑之圣女开始 长生:从修炼残本秘技开始 天人图谱 雪中悍刀行 玄幻,我能传承高手修为 反派:临死前,强吻了师尊 玄幻:遇强则强,我的修为无上限 
最近更新女儿出村,修真界颤抖吧 创生之环 废柴开局,我靠双修功法逆袭成神 灵墟破妄录 家族秘宝引仙途 乡村神医于小嗦之奇遇冒险 仙灵双剑御世传 帝族公子?隐世老怪?都是我分身 无双世子 蛊世界:每周一个随机宝箱 惊梦千年逆世风华 穿越女尊:开局拥有顶级炉鼎体质 洪荒:我以帝法证道不朽 玄幻:倒果成因,先无敌后修炼 永生小师叔 穿越修真界后我一路前行 变身白毛少女,开点小挂怎么了? 厄运神龙先生 玄生录 龙血神皇 
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