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第63章 现实的趋同

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you too

John was shocked and angry.

But Sziget did not stop.

He closed his eyes like a frog, raised his cold hands, and said:

I know better than anyone what happened, and the reason you are like this is because I saw it once, and I understand the darkness and pain.

John Siges saw no logic in his words and believed that if he continued to think like everyone else he would be consumed by madness, and that he would not stand a chance against the madmen of the apocalypse. I believe there is. The same goes for speculation and believers.

He sighed and stopped trying to get any useful information out of Sziget.

This is because no matter who you are, you cannot receive information from your heart.

Please note that John is not a psychologist, so he does not know these hard things.

Waiting for his body to calm down, he decided to abandon the idea of talking to Seagate and sit with a friend.

What happened when I left?

Yahya wants to know if Myrna is missing or what happened to Veroni, but Yahya doesn't know what that is.

Because no matter what, John is not here, and John will not have the greatest power, such as the wrath of God.

This talent allows unintelligent people to think more clearly than intelligent people.

John cannot take anything from what he thinks is not given and should not be given.

Besides, the insiders are close to him so they don't make unnecessary assumptions and if they have questions they can ask them directly, right?

The first person to respond was Veroni, who was in critical condition with severe injuries that made his ankles and above his knees appear red. It is unimaginable that metal instruments have signs of disinfection, but how can a terrible method be used to treat wounds?

However, when a kill is imminent, it can be a useful and effective way to extend the time just in time until the stars align.



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