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大家在看帝御无疆 绝世唐门 武神至尊 多子多福,从拿捏九幽女帝开始! 天域丹尊 开局修为狂飙,我的境界无上限 我有一剑 我的修炼时间和人不一样 太上武神诀 开局成为禁区之主,大帝只配看门 
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第90章 广袤洞穴中的奇怪事件

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After hearing Aaliyah's response, angry because of the banned book, Malaika herself denied it.

Because Malaika can't take hate towards someone who made her dreams e true and doesn't want such unknown thoughts to affect her while chasing her dreams.

If An Chi can achieve this goal even if he mits suicide, then there is no doubt that he can do it.

Annie, who saw the forbidden book, also secretly made a decision and became very aware.

How you use this magical book is up to you. I will not interfere and I will not stop.

However, if you have no way to reuse a discontinued book or you will no longer use it, then you are recycling the book. wherever you are.

If you are still using it, it is actually yours and I have not taken that right away.

Alya said to Annie in a cold voice.

At this time, An Yi did not understand the meaning of the forbidden books.

He had no idea how bad, horrible, and evil it was.

But even if he found out, I don't think he will regret his decision.

Compared to the fact that there was no way to ask God for help, a grimoire with terrifying magical power might be the best help.

Don't worry, such instances are rare.

Pearl answered awkwardly.

Malaika was pletely unfamiliar with resurrection magic, and had never heard of any simple magic that ordinary people could use that was good enough to awaken others freely.

This magical book was able to raise the dead in ancient times, as long as the other person did not lie.

Either the famous race of Ys, who once lived in ancient times and were killed by flying polyps, or the people of Toth, who built Lulich and were worshiped by the fools as "Old Lords," or the more ancient which sexes. . People die until they are raised from the dead.

The angel who holds this forbidden book has such confidence.



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