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大家在看系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 开局长生不死,谁都以为我无敌 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 大帝之下我帝境,大帝之上我开挂 混沌天帝诀 开局帝境宗主,无限合成仙人长老 长生苟道:开局吹唢呐,送葬修仙 修炼9999级了,老祖才100级 剑道丹尊 开局奖励双修功法,女帝说想躺平 
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第93章 可能性

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The angel's eyes looked at the monster again.

This time it wasn't a look of fear or panic.

His eyes were thick as ice, filled with cold light.

The other man raised his gun, aimed, and began firing.

Orange flames shot out of its mouth, and the monster was hit by a bullet in the smell of gun smoke.

His arms, legs, heart and even his eyelids were hit by Malaika's bullets.

To animals, these weak attacks are toys.

However, even if it is a toy, these features should always be present when playing.

In fact, monsters react differently when attacked.

However, this is not his opinion.

Snow should be the most dangerous to damage, but as strong as a superhero's armor.

When Angel's bullet hit my eye, it didn't make a sound, but it sounded like an air gun hitting a metal plate.

The bullet could not penetrate the weakest eye, and the bullet, having lost its power, fell to the ground.

There are no white spots on the victim's eyelids.

Completely intact.

However, pared to the consequences of other bullets, hitting the eye may not be the worst oute.

For example, a fired weapon not only penetrated, but also appeared to hit something in the medium of thought, and when it hit a monster, the bullet actually fired. It es out in 30 minutes.

This caused Nancy to focus on fighting the monster and getting closer.

The bullet he was about to fire would have gone through Nancy's neck.

Angel, where are you going?

Malaika's gun pierced her friends' legs, and blood spurted.


Admit it, it's not that kind of magic. In fact, it should be the simplest magic, not the magic of possessing the immortal bodies of the oldest gods.

You won't encounter enemies not because they have Achilles' immortality, but because their attacks are too weak.

For example, didn't the woman with supernatural powers use her own hands to cause harm?



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站内强推十日终焉 仕途人生 我在精神病院学斩神 官场从秘书开始 重生之将门毒后 年代1960:穿越南锣鼓巷, 乳娘的诱惑 诡舍 剑来 官运:从遇到美女书记开始 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 青云官路:从小职员到封疆大吏 全球高考 不要在垃圾桶里捡男朋友 官场:救了女领导后,我一路飞升 长生从炼丹宗师开始 癫,都癫,癫点好啊 乡村大凶器 重生1960,带着亿万食品仓库 官路之谁与争锋 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 开局长生不死,谁都以为我无敌 开局帝境宗主,无限合成仙人长老 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 长生苟道:开局吹唢呐,送葬修仙 宿命之环 道诡异仙 万相之王 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 西游:贫僧不想取西经 天赋无敌的我,一心只想苟活 天材地宝杂质太多?让我提纯一下 开局落魄藩王,打造万界无上仙庭 混沌天帝诀 开局废了,我开启最强进化 疯狂走镖系统,走镖就能变强! 神话纪元,我进化成了恒星级巨兽 拒绝系统的各种死法后,我无敌了 长生仙族,从小符师开始 
最近更新无敌的随性日常 幻星恋 这才千年!你靠收垃圾就飞升了? 登神 高武:悟性超绝,我真的出息了! 帝族公子?隐世老怪?都是我分身 灵霄劫:逆世仙途破穹记 无双世子 长生:从种田小游戏开始! 废柴的崛起之路:一穿越就成废材 西游:开局成为悟空同胞兄弟 你掳我至亲,我从你后宫开始复仇 洪荒:开局不死不灭 蛊世界:每周一个随机宝箱 僵祖临世 太古玄幻神王 洪荒:我以帝法证道不朽 鸿蒙掠夺 我,盘古亲弟,在洪荒无法无天! 长生,从创立家族开始 
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