"Who are you?"
Elle was too weak to do anything, and even if she wanted to use magic, she couldn't do it like this.
Arya left El and stood in front of him, holding out her hand.
It's not an open hand to surrender, it's an open hand to protect your rear.
"Don't worry, I didn't do anything weird."
A woman who identified herself as Naiya pointed out that people should rest.
"So where is it?"
"This must be a huge library full of magical books. Xiao Ai, aren't you familiar with this library? As the world's library, you should know everything about this library."
Hearing Naiya's words, Aaliyah's head was very hot and her eyes were merciless while looking at someone.
If the other person doesn't understand the situation, I don't think Aria will go away easily.
No, the other person wants to dump you. Another question.
Aria quickly walked out the door with Aria in her arms.
However, they came from a different direction.
No matter how many times you repeat it, the result is the same.
"That's the magic of the labyrinth; if there's no exit, there's no exit."
"So what do I do?"
Seeing Naiya sitting in front of her, Aria asked Elle to follow her.
"Let's use powerful magic or reverse magic."
"Magical effect?"
"At least that's magic against earthquakes."
The first plan is quickly abandoned and Aria tries to find a solution in the second way.
"Then we need to figure out what this spell is and reverse it."
The second method is useless.
"Okay, okay. So, Manager Nia, what should I do? What is this magic book you are talking about?"
Alya was never afraid, even though she couldn't do anything.
Overing evil is very moral.
With this shameless attitude, does Elle not know that the other person has made a decision or does not have the courage to stand up against evil?